Sunday, April 14, 2013

Jaxon's Newborn Photos

We had pictures done when Jax was two weeks old. Annie Mendez, our wonderful photographer did an amazing job, especially considering that Jaxon cried for pretty much the entire shoot. We got some great pictures and only got peed on twice! Hope you enjoy!

1 Month Old

Holy cow! Where has the time gone! We are already at the 4 week mark and it feels like just yesterday my water broke. This month has been wonderful, exciting, stressful, and the most special month for our family.
                     Look at the changes from one week to one month! Where has the time gone!
                                   Here are some pictures from our first month with Jaxon!
 Hanging with Auntie Ro Ro  
 How can I say no to that face!
 We definitely have a binkie boy on our hands!

 1st doctor trip

 Jax is a deep thinker

 Jaxon is developing really well! He eats 2-2.5 ounces every 2 hours and does two 4 hour sleep sessions at night. He doesn't like to sleep in his crib so we are working on that, he can't sleep in our arms forever! He is very strong! He holds his head up when he is on our shoulders and I swear he is trying to sit up. He will also try to push off of everything when he is laying on his back so we have to hold onto our wiggle worm! We do have a little bit of colic and he cries anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour from 5-7 and again from 9-10. He loves his bath tub and would sit in there for an hour if we would let him! Yay for a water baby! He loves having so many people who love him and he is very happy to just let people love on him!
 This is Jaxon's funny face he makes when he isn't to sure about something! It makes me laugh so hard!
He loves pulling faces!
We love our little man and are so happy he is part of our family! We can't wait for month two!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Jaxon Nate Stock, The Birth Story

He is here! Jaxon Nate Stock was born March 13th, 2013 at 10:27 a.m.. On our third anniversary! He weighed in at 7 pounds 10 ounces and was 20 inches long!
I had been having false labor for over a week and knew that Jaxon was coming anytime! Tuesday afternoon my labor pains started to get much more intense than they had been. Nate had class at 6:00 but I told him to go anyways thinking that this was just going to be false like the other times. When Nate got home at 10:00 I was having much stronger contractions. I went to the bathroom around 11:00 p.m. and when I stood up my water broke! We called labor and delivery and they said to come on in and get checked. We got to the Park City hospital around midnight and they admitted us. Sure enough I was in labor and dilated to a 3! They gave me my epidural 30 minutes later and Nate and I went to sleep. They checked me again at 5 in the morning and I was a 5. We figured we were in for a wait so we went back to sleep. When they checked again at 8 a.m. I was dilated to a 9 and they said it was time to get ready to push. Our photographer Annie showed up right in time, we wanted to have some pictures of Jaxon right after birth.

 I started pushing at 9 a.m. and we knew something was not right. Every time I would push, both mine and Jaxon's heart rate would drop very low. They put me on oxygen and rolled me on my side. We decided to try and use the vacuum tool to help Jaxon get out. Every time I pushed he would slide down and the minute I stopped pushing, he would slide back up. The doctor told us that if we could keep pushing for two hours we could probably get him out but that she didn't like the fact that his heart rate kept dropping. We decided to do a c-section. They pumped me full of epidural medicine and wheeled me away to surgery. Nate followed after me in his "scrubs". I was pretty out of it but Nate said the actual c-section took 45 minutes and then he went with Jaxon to get cleaned up. Nate brought Jaxon over and sat by me while they stitched me back up. They wheeled us into our room and we got to take pictures of brand new baby Jax!